Wednesday, December 03, 2003

First Impressions of Palm Springs (and second)

Today my travels take me to Palm Springs where:
1) little old ladies clad in golden metallic Lexus honk impatiently as you pause in one of the three exit lanes to mail your house payment back to Indiana.
2) their wealth affords the residents greening of their plots, greener than Indiana in spring (which I am told is greener than Ireland).
3) aside from an occasional jogger or dog walker, the only people you see outside are the brown skinned servants of the estates doing their jobs.
4) I have the realization that it is crasser here than in Las Vegas.

1) Judy opines that the silver haired ladies in the golden Lexus figure their time on earth is short and don't want to spend any of it waiting behind me in a parking lot.

2) Developers found a way to green their pockets with retirement money knowing "if you build it, they will come".
3) These relatively lowly paid workers are my friends and benefactors. They are, after all, paying my social security. 4) It's not too bad here. I was just cranky - probably an effect of the drive here from the coast being tougher than I had expected.


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